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The Covenant Inheritance - Sons of God

Writer's picture: Steven WoodwardSteven Woodward

In Genesis 17:7, a pivotal moment in biblical history occurs when God establishes His everlasting covenant with Abraham, who becomes the father of many nations. This divine covenant is a sacred and unbreakable agreement between God and humanity, promising to be their God throughout all generations. It symbolizes the depth of God's love and commitment to His chosen people, as well as His desire to establish a unique relationship with them.

The Hebrew word for Covenant is "בְּרִית" (Bet, Resh, Yod, Tav), which holds profound significance in understanding the nature of this divine pact. Each letter of this Hebrew word carries deep symbolism:

- Bet (בְּ): Representing a tent or house, it signifies the body, the household, or the family. This letter marks the beginning of duality, as God, the One Creator, brings forth a created world, which allows for both a giver (the Creator) and a receiver (humanity) for the Creator's blessings to be bestowed upon.

- Resh (רִ): Signifying a head or a person, it represents what is highest, most important, or chief. This letter embodies the concept of containing the infinite, exponential growth, and the constant transition, flow, and change of life.

- Yod (י): Symbolizing a hand, it denotes actions, deeds, and finished works. This letter represents the Creator's power of the Spirit to govern and guide the material world, bringing His divine plans to fruition.

- Tav (ת): Representing a mark, a sign, or a cross, it symbolizes ownership, sealing, and joining two things together. This letter holds the significance of truth, perfection, and completion, emphasizing the eternal nature of God's promises.

The Covenant Inheritance established with Abraham marks the beginning of a unique relationship between God and His people. It serves as a precursor to the subsequent covenants God makes with His chosen ones throughout the biblical narrative, illustrating the unchanging and faithful character of God.

Through this Covenant, God not only promises to be the God of Abraham but also the God of his descendants after him. The inheritance extends to generations to come, making it an everlasting pact that transcends time and remains relevant to believers today.

The concept of duality within the Covenant signifies the complementary relationship between God and humanity. As the Creator, God brings forth the created world and offers His blessings and promises. In response, humanity receives and embraces the covenant, recognizing God as their God and yielding to His guidance and authority.

The Covenant Inheritance reflects the infinite growth and constant transition of life. As God's promises unfold throughout generations, His faithfulness endures, guiding His people through various seasons and circumstances. It demonstrates that God's covenant is not limited by time or circumstances but continues to manifest in the lives of those who believe and trust in Him.

Moreover, the Covenant represents the completion and perfection of God's divine plan. God's promises are sealed and marked with truth and certainty, affirming that what He declares will undoubtedly come to pass. This assurance brings hope and comfort to believers, assuring them that God's plans for their lives are secure and unfailing.

In conclusion, the Covenant Inheritance established between God and Abraham in Genesis 17:7 is a profound testament to God's everlasting love, faithfulness, and commitment to His people. Symbolizing duality, infinite growth, the power of the Spirit, and completion, this sacred agreement extends throughout generations, providing believers with an unshakable foundation for their faith and a firm assurance of God's enduring presence in their lives. The Covenant Inheritance remains a powerful reminder that God's promises are timeless and that His love and provision continue to unfold in the lives of His children, making them heirs of His abundant grace and blessings.

Q: What is the significance of God's covenant with Abraham?

A: God's covenant with Abraham is a profound promise that establishes a special relationship between Him and His chosen people. Through this covenant, God assures Abraham and his descendants of His continuous presence and protection, signifying His role as their God throughout all generations.

Q: How does the Ark symbolize the Covenant Inheritance?

A: In Genesis 6:18, God's covenant with Noah involves the construction of an Ark, which serves as a symbol of the body or container. Just as Noah and his family entered the Ark for a new beginning after the flood, the Covenant Inheritance invites believers to step into a new spiritual reality, washed away from the effects of sin and starting afresh.

Q: What is the prophecy of the New Covenant?

A: Jeremiah 31:33 speaks of a future covenant where God will write His law on the hearts of His people. This prophecy finds fulfillment in Jesus Christ, who becomes the mediator of a better covenant with superior promises (Hebrews 8:6). The New Covenant replaces the old, obsolete one, bringing transformation and renewal to believers' lives.

The New Covenant in Detail:

The Prophecy of the New Covenant:

The prophecy of the New Covenant, as revealed in Jeremiah 31:33, marks a revolutionary turning point in God's relationship with His people. In the Old Testament, God's Law was written on stone tablets and externally enforced through commandments and regulations. However, the prophecy foretells a profound shift in the nature of the covenant—a transformation that would impact the hearts of individuals, leading to a deeper and more intimate connection with God.

Jeremiah 31:33 declares that God will no longer merely inscribe His Law on lifeless stone but will now write it directly on the hearts of His people. This divine inscription signifies a personal and internalized experience, where God's commands become an inherent part of their very being. This new heart, shaped and guided by God's precepts, enables a closer communion with Him—a relationship built on genuine love, understanding, and obedience.

The fulfillment of this remarkable prophecy is found in the New Testament through Jesus Christ, the long-awaited Messiah and the Son of God. Jesus' arrival ushers in a new era, where the promise of the New Covenant becomes a reality. As the mediator of this better covenant, Jesus serves as the bridge between God and humanity, bringing forth a revolutionary shift in how God's people can experience and relate to Him.

In Hebrews 8:6, the superiority of Jesus' ministry over the old system of law is emphasized. Through His life, death, and resurrection, Jesus fulfills the requirements of the Law and paves the way for a deeper connection with God. This new covenant is not based on external rules but on the transformative power of God's grace and love working within the hearts of believers.

The New Covenant is founded on better promises, as Hebrews 8:6 suggests. In the Old Testament, the law demanded obedience and sacrifices to maintain a relationship with God. However, the New Covenant brings forth promises of forgiveness, redemption, and reconciliation through faith in Jesus Christ. This covenant offers a direct and personal relationship with God, accessible to all who embrace Jesus as their Savior.

Hebrews 8:13 affirms the significance of the New Covenant by rendering the old one obsolete. The sacrificial system and its regulations, which were a temporary solution for sin, are now surpassed by the perfect and once-for-all sacrifice of Jesus on the cross. Through His finished work, Jesus fulfills the demands of the Law, making it unnecessary for believers to continually offer sacrifices to atone for their sins.

The New Covenant provides a transformative way for people to approach God through faith in Christ. In John 14:6, Jesus declares, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." Through Jesus, believers have direct access to God, and their hearts are filled with His Spirit, empowering them to live in righteousness and love.

In conclusion, the prophecy of the New Covenant, as revealed in Jeremiah 31:33, brings a profound transformation to God's relationship with His people. Through Jesus Christ, the mediator of this better covenant, God writes His Law on the hearts of believers, fostering a deeper and more intimate connection with Him. The New Covenant is superior to the old system of law, rendering it obsolete and providing a new way for people to approach God through faith in Christ. This covenant brings forth better promises of forgiveness, reconciliation, and eternal life, offering believers a direct and personal relationship with God. The fulfillment of the New Covenant in Jesus Christ brings hope, redemption, and a transformative power that touches the very core of human hearts, making them heirs of God's eternal grace and love.

Q: What does it mean to be a "Son" in the context of the Covenant Inheritance?

A: To be a "Son" in the context of the Covenant Inheritance means embracing a new identity as a child of God through faith in Jesus Christ. The Greek word "hyiós" (Romans 8:16, Galatians 3:26) emphasizes sharing the same nature as the heavenly Father, resembling His character more and more through living in faith.

Q: How does one receive the true nature of the Inheritance of the Sons of God?

A: The true nature of the Inheritance of the Sons of God is received through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. By accepting Him as Savior and Lord, becoming partakers of Christ's character and light. This transformation is not based on physical lineage but on faith in Christ.


The Covenant Inheritance - Sons of God - is a journey of faith, grace, and transformation. It unites believers with God through a sacred covenant, symbolized by the Ark and fulfilled in the New Covenant through Jesus Christ. By embracing this inheritance, believers receive Christ Himself, leading to a profound transformation and empowering them to fulfill their divine purpose as vessels of God's love and light. The New Covenant, as prophesied by Jeremiah and fulfilled through Jesus, offers believers a direct and intimate relationship with God, transforming their hearts and lives through faith in Christ.

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